(Of interest to humanity at The Moment...?)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Finding The Way Back

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Drama plays a key role in your personal relationships.

You are obsessed with the concept of love and desire and expect your loved ones to share your intensity. Your relationships are strewn with struggles for power and control, and possibly violence.

You need to direct your energies into a demanding, creative pursuit.


You feel that the world is opposing your deepest wishes and become explosive in response.

Your life undergoes change and you react. As a child you may have been a victim of a powerful parent figure.

Your challenge is to be powerful in the most positive sense of the word.


You are your own worst enemy.

You struggle to be powerful and assertive, but your path to success is strewn with strife. This may have started early in life when your home felt more like a battlefield than a safe haven leaving you feeling powerless and ineffective.

Now it appears that other people are opposed to your achievements. What you don't realise is that you are subconsciously sabotaging your own success. You need to honor your own and other people's worth.

You may find that the battle then becomes one which you lead for those who need your empathy and help.



This is a quest towards service to humankind. You will experience a struggle between your own personal needs and a sense of dedication to others. You need to lay aside your personal need for honor and prestige and use your talents to serve the world.



  • Good chart visualisation helps with instant identification of interesting influences.

    It's a good idea, it seems, to spend some time experimenting with your software package to explore various chart display options. Emphasising with colour and line thickness seems like the way to go, indeed.

    Solar Fire is certainly well equipped here.
    ZET8 Lite
    does a pretty good job, too - for a free astrology package.

  • The chart above is just a simple current transits chart. It has some interesting planetary members, as well. Mythology and symbolism helped me decide what would be interesting to play with.

    I'm afraid there is no other way around it - look at what's available in the "astrological toolbox" of planets and asteroids (don't forget the weird and unfamiliar ones); read up on their astrological interpretation in a good reference book (or several books even); cross-reference with the available mythological symbolism (e.g., Chiron is a good example here).

    Spending lots of time in research always brings a fresh wave of new ideas.

  • In this system, solid lines indicate Applying Aspects - broken lines are for Separating Aspects.

    Applying aspects seem to be a good indicator of "issues" that are coming on, so to speak - things that are of major importance at this moment. Separating aspects could then be agreed to point to "issues" that are fading in emphasis - things that are now moving away, lessons learnt or not learnt yet.

    Thicker lines indicate tighter orbs - some might argue (I do) that tight orbs point to the more significant aspects for interpretation (i.e., the thicker the line the stronger the current influence).

    Thinner lines are reserved for aspects with a larger orb of influence. That does not make them irrelevant though. Some of the more interesting background influences will show up here - or at least that is what I have observed so far.

    So it follows that thick solid lines are the ones to start your interpretation with. Their corresponding planetary actors will probably hold interesting clues as well - e.g., house and constellation placements, degrees, etc.

  • It is interesting that even in such a basic configuration, the interpretation of current aspects has a "ring" to it...